January 23, 2014

Someone I can grow old with..

photo credit: tommie m via photopin cc

I'm on the watch for God's best. I'm a single gal who wants nothing less than the one that God has picked for me. I have my own view on what I would like to have but, I know one thing is for sure, who ever God has for me will be someone I can grow old with.

January 5, 2014

RickyBobby Si Jenkins: A New Family Member

photo credit: leslieanna13 via instagram
Today I am announcing on my blog the arrival of RickyBobby Si Jenkins! Our new furry friend from our local animal shelter we adopted New Years Eve! He is a 4 week old kitten that we love so much it ain't even funny!

He's a cutie! He's so playful and fun to be around! He's attached to my Daddy like a hair on a biscuit and he's been "making biscuit's" which is a sign that he loves us!

If you have a pet, I'd love to see it! Comment below or email me your photo! Who knows? The cutest one might end up on my blog!

Bye for now!

January 4, 2014

I'm Only Me When I'm With You

photo credit: .craig via photopin cc

"I'm only me when I'm with you" is probably something you've heard your Parents or Grandparents say to each other or maybe you've heard it from a song. It's a saying that can speak volumes. Basically what you are saying is that without whoever you are talking about, you are not yourself, you are NOBODY. You are saying it to someone you can not live without cause with out them you are not living.

Finding someone who can say that is like finding a diamond. Once you find it, grab it and hold it. I wish I could say I've found that person but, I haven't. I still have time though. One day, I will meet the man of my dreams and be able to say "I'm only me when I'm with you". That is a day I look forward too!

In the mean time, I'm going to keep my eyes focused on the one who made me, God, and trust he knows what he is doing in my life.

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year and a Merry Christmas! I'd love to hear some stories! Shoot me an email or comment below to share! Who knows, maybe I'll post it on this blog?

Bye for now!

December 30, 2013

So Not Over You

"Not Over You" by Gavin DeGraw is one of those songs you better listen to as a cover but, that's beside the point. It's really an amazing song and the way Chris August does it is truly amazing.

This song is so true to a time I went through in my life this past year. I was so confused on how I felt and didn't really know what to do and well, yeah. It was made harder. I got through it and I'm fine now but, this song really helped me and I still love listening to it on the weekends. It's just a great song to listen to on the weekends FYI.

Just listen to it and you'll love it to!

Just thought I'd share!

December 27, 2013

I love Fridays :D

photo via @leslieanna13 on Instagram
Have I ever told you that I love Fridays? Oh, wait, I know I haven't cause I just started this thing! Haha Well, I really do love them and heres why.....

December 20, 2013

Jesus, My True Love

Jesus, the King of Kings.
Jesus, the one who first loved us.
Jesus, My True Love.

I maybe young but,
One thing I know,
Jesus is my number one.

Jesus, My True Love. 

When I feel alone,
He finds me.
When I come undone,
He mends me.

Jesus, My True Love.

Love is a word we over use.
Love a word that means more than we know.
Jesus loved me enough to die.
This is true love.

Jesus, My True Love.

Just a little something I wrote up. Not professional but, true. Let me know what y'all think!
God Bless,

December 19, 2013

#StandWithPhil: The Story That Has Took The World By Storm

So, as many of you have heard, Phil Robertson has been cut from "Duck Dynasty". I don't agree with this at all and I'm sure I'm not the only one. The main reason I know I'm not is because of Twitter. If you don't have one, get one! I love it because it is a powerful way to stand up for what you believe in. The world has stood up for Phil Robertson!
This is from Twitter as of 12/19/2013 at 2:45 PM EST. Phil Robertson is #1 Trend on Twitter! I know some of these are no-supporters but, most are supporting Phil!

Lets stand up together as the body of Christ and support this Godly man! "Duck Dynasty" has touched the lives of so many and I know it can touch more!

What do you think about the whole thing?