About Me

She's a bit crazy:
As you can see from the photo above, I'm a bit crazy (in a good way). It's not completely my fault that I'm crazy but, I don't really consider it a problem! Life is boring if you don't have fun!

My life has had it's ups and downs but, through it all, I have been crazy for Jesus! He is my best friend and even though I sometimes doubt his will, I know that Jesus and God have my back and they know what is best from me. They know I'm not perfect and don't want me to be. They want me to be crazy for them and that, I am.

She's a family gal:
I have a family! I know you are like "NO WAY"!!! haha No, you didn't say that! Like most bloggers, I have a family. I live with my wonderful Parents who have always been so supportive even when I didn't deserve their support. My family also includes my beautiful twin, Lauren. You'll probably hear a lot about her while you're here.

My family means the world to me and I don't know what I would do without them!

She's a friend:
Yeah, I have friends! Don't be shocked but, I have friends. Pretty great friends too! I have 2 best friends and probably a little over 12 friends. If you're including my bus kids (I try to be a friend but, honestly, I feel more like their van mom haha), then you could say I have over 25. But, the number of friends I have really doesn't matter to me. To me, as long as my friends stand by me, I will always be there for them and that is a true friend.

She's the Crazy Lady on the Van:
Yes, I'm the "Crazy Lady" on the van (as a lot of the kids that don't ride my van call me). I work in my churches Bus Ministry with my Dad and Best Friend. We have a blast! It's so much fun getting to work with these kids and I know that you'll here about them in this blog. The kids take up a huge place in my heart and I love them with all my heart! I call them "my kids" because I truly feel like I am responsible for what happens to them while they are in my care (just as a mother would feel or should feel *wink wink*).

She's a Drummer:
Yep, I'm a drummer! No joke! I'm a chick drummer! Yes, we are few and far between but, we are alive! haha

There is nothing like being on that drum set to me. That is my time to shine. I've never been talented at anything else really so, drumming works for me! I hope to one day make it apart of my career but, that's really up to God any-who :D

Finally, She's Daddy's Little "Lee Lee":
I'm a Daddy's girl and ever since I was a baby he's called me "Lee Lee". He's my best friend and I know he always has my back. He may not believe it but, he's the perfect Dad (for me any how. You probably have the "perfect" Dad too). He always knows how to make me smile and I know he can totally wait to smile at me in my wedding dress but, I can't hardly wait (even though I've never even been in a relationship #single4life)!

Well, that's about it about me. I'd love to know about you! Write in the comments!


  1. so great to find your blog! You remind me so much of my girl.....Shasta Bear....as I call her :) I love your spirit and love for God!
