January 23, 2014

Someone I can grow old with..

photo credit: tommie m via photopin cc

I'm on the watch for God's best. I'm a single gal who wants nothing less than the one that God has picked for me. I have my own view on what I would like to have but, I know one thing is for sure, who ever God has for me will be someone I can grow old with.
So, like I said before, I want God's best and I have my own look on what I would like to have in the man I will marry and grow old with.

I dream of a tall, brown hair, blue or brown eyed man who loves God more than anything, even me. I want someone who has a heart for ministry and a heart for kids. I want someone who will always stand by me even when It's not popular to. I want someone who will give me hugs when I feel sad and make me smile when I need to laugh. I want someone who will always lead our children in the way they should go. I want a strong man who can make me feel safe. I want someone that I can grow old with....

I know that this man is out there somewhere. I may have already met him or I may be waiting to meet him. But, he is out there. I'll find him and we can grow old together and make adorable photos like the one above!

I hope and pray that if you are single you are looking for nothing but, God's best for your life!

If you've found "the one" I'd love to hear your story! Comment below!
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