December 17, 2013

Christmas Time is Near!

Can you believe that Christmas is only 8 days away! I can't either! This year has flown by for me like no other year before it. I'm excited about Christmas and I want to share with you what I will be doing this year and I hope you will share your Christmas traditions with me as well!

The first thing I have to do is get our house straight! With family coming over to enjoy food and fun, the house has to be perfect! Christmas decor up, kitchen smelling like Christmas candy, and the Tree shining so bright sounds like the perfect Christmas home to me and I am working with my Sister to get our house ready for Christmas!

Christmas is a time of year for giving as well and I celebrate giving, along with my church, in getting Christmas presents for the kids that ride our vans and bus that may not would otherwise have a Christmas gift. We go to the store and pick a gift for each one of them. This year a lot of my kids are wanting Nerf Guns for whatever reason so, that's what they'll hopefully be getting (as long as Walmart has enough of them)! Seeing the smile on those kids faces every year, makes me smile :D I love it!

So, next up is our Christmas play at our church! This is my first year not being in the choir of it and I have to say, I'm kinda excited about being on the other end. I love being in the choir but, I would like some pictures of the kids :D I can't wait to see everyone in their costumes and characters having fun in celebrating the birth of our Savior!

After all of that it's time to cook!! I love cooking for the family and baking goodies for people to share! What do you like to cook on the holidays? I love to fix Chicken Pies! Simple and easy to make. I'll share the recipe later.

Then, it's Christmas Day. The day to celebrate the birth of our Savior the Son of the King. As a daughter of the King I rejoice in the birth of Jesus. He is the reason I am able to go to Heaven one day. For that, I can not give enough thanks.

So, I want to know what you are doing for Christmas! Share it in the comments!

photo credit: arbyreed via photopin cc

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